Territory Museum

    Territory Museum is part of a tourism promotion of the reservoir of el Atazar Association plan. The initiative tries to reflect the story, culture and traditions through the creation of a Museum in each of the municipalities of the region: El Atazar, El Berrueco, Cervera de Buitrago, Patones, Old bridges (with its four population centres: Cinco Villas, Mangiron, Walls of Buitrago and Serrada de la Fuente), and Robledillo de la Jara. By which you will have the opportunity to learn more about close to the customs, tradiciones y modo de vida de estos municipios gracias a sus ocho museos.


    The water Museum

    Hosted at the headquarters of the Commonwealth of el Atazar reservoir, the Museum made a journey through the past, present and future of the hydraulic potential of the environment of El Atazar reservoir.

    Through panels and carried out large scale models, they are to meet numerous infrastructure and hydraulic installations, for the most part, by the Canal de Isabel II.

    Of special interest are the reproductions of the pontoon of the olive, el Embalse de El Atazar y la maqueta topográfica del Valle Bajo del Lozoya.



    C/ Real, 47. 28192 El Berrueco (Madrid)


    Fridays and Saturdays: of 9.30 to 14.30 h. and 17.00 to 20.00 h.
    Sundays: of 10.00 to 14.00 h.


    Tel.: 91 868 62 40
    Email: turismo@elberrueco.org


    Adults: 1€
    Retired, unemployed people with disabilities and more groups of 25 people: 0,50 €
    Minor's 14 years: Free.


    You were threshing

    Located in the northern area of the rural nucleus, its origin goes back to the 17TH century. It was the place where traditionally are threshing and grain are tossed. Is your paving slabs of slate and quartzite, arranged in a circular motion, to facilitate the collection of grain or the harvest.

    In 1992 se incluyeron como parte del patrimonio histórico-cultural en el Catálogo de Bienes Protegidos.


    This museum, being outside, You can take self-guided way.
    Si se requiere un servicio de visita guiada puede concertarla con la Mancomunidad del Embalse del Atazar.


    C / de las Eras. 28189 El Atazar (Madrid)


    Tel.: 91 868 60 64


    Classroom geological Museum

    Patones, with a privileged environment, hides an interesting geological heritage and a high geodiversity, so here is the Museum classroom Geologica, featuring an outdoor exhibition with a collection of rocks of the Sierra de Madrid and an indoor exhibition panels, models and reproductions of the cave of the Reguerillo, de un cráneo de oso de las cavernas, fossil, failures etc..

    We have designed different activities so that you transforméis in geologists to discover the history of millions of years through the rocks, entender cómo se formó el paisaje de vuestro alrededor y comprender por qué Patones de Arriba es un pueblo de arquitectura negra.


    Guided activities:

    • Visita interpretativa al aula Geológica.
    • Theme ride "is Geologist for a day".
    • We have an educational programme adapted to primary education and secondary education to school groups, through a guided visit to the environment and to the Museum.

    To perform any of the activities it is necessary to book in advance visit


    Disseminated Canal de la Parra, 38. 28189 Patones (Madrid)


    Tel.: 91 843 20 26/91 843 29 06
    Email: turismo@patones.net

    The following museums are currently closed.
    To visit you, it will be essential to contact the Commonwealth of el Atazar reservoir.

    Tel.: 91 868 60 64

    Museum of the senses

    Located in a new building, features a sensory circuit (tunnel of the senses) which leads the visitor to experience a journey through nature through the senses: the sense of smell, Touch, the hearing and sight.

    The visitor goes through different areas representative of each sense receive stimuli and information through interactive elements present in the Museum.

    It is intended to be a landmark in the community of Madrid for people with sensory disabilities.


    C / Church, 1, Bis. 28193 Cervera de Buitrago (Madrid)

    Forge Museum

    Located in the old forge of walls of Buitrago, different rehabilitation activities were carried out in its architecture and environment.

    Inside the Museum are various elements related to the activity of the forge: the bellows, Anvil, Tools, Fireplace, Water battery, etc.

    This museum recovers the figure of the herrero-forjador, as well as the tools and processes of transformation of iron, through an audio system that transports to a forge in full operation.

    On the outside we can see other works related to the own forge: the old source of 17TH century - 18th, del Potro's branding and Waterer.


    C / forge, 1. 28754 Walls of Buitrago, Old bridges (Madrid)

    The stone Museum

    Located in the old Municipal utility, building, included in the catalogue of Mangiron of goods protected by its architectural and social values.

    The exhibition space consists of an open plan room showing, through panels, different aspects of laundry, work in the quarries as well as applications and utilities of stone.

    The Museum is completed with a scale replica of a typical construction in stone of Mangiron.

    The stone of this region is an important benchmark in the economy of the place and their way of life, Thanks to this came the craft of stonemason and has been the raw material used by all municipalities of the Commonwealth of the reservoir in its most basic constructions, from the tinados and cochiqueras up to the usual homes of neighbors.


    Avda. del Villar, 43. 28754 Mangiron, Old bridges (Madrid)

    Museum of the life forms of the past

    Located on a site of the ancient Tejera of Robledillo de la Jara, during the construction of the new building came to light the remains of the original oven of la Tejera.

    The Museum aims to the recovery of elements of traditional culture in the area that allows us to know aspects of the past such as the traditional crafts, Today forgotten.

    The exhibition features a series of reproductions of different crafts typical of the Sierra Norte: as the coalman, Herrero, bakers, beekeepers, pastors, etc. Supported by explanatory panels.

    The visit is completed with a video where you can see the process of the offices as well as the importance of them in the region.

    In outer space, visitors can contemplate a reproduction on a large scale of a carbonera.


    Carretera M-130 P.K. 0,200. 28194 Robledillo de la Jara (Madrid)

    Museum and Park of traditional games

    Located in a new building in stone and wood, the Museum of the traditional games presents a double exhibition space.

    In the interior of the Museum, We can admire different replicas of traditional Castilian games as well as the historical references and the most important anthropological aspects related.

    On the outside of the Museum are enabled several recreational areas where we can enjoy as popular as boules games, La Herradura, the frog, etc.

    C / eras, 7. 28754 Serrated source, Old bridges (Madrid)

    Museums de la Sierra Norte de Madrid
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