Network of roads and cycling ring

Hiking and cycling are very practical ways to know a region, its history, nature or culture. More if possible when this region is located in a rural area and mountain, It is in these places where roads are a heritage and a history if same.

The Commonwealth North Valley of Lozoya, through the center of innovation tourist Villa San Roque has developed a project that includes a network of roads (Carpetania) and one of the proposals or itineraries of this network, a biker ring. The project is about to start work on the ground, i.e. physical signs of the roads.

Soon you'll have all the information about the network and the ring on our website; tracks of the tours, made markings, maps, proposals of itineraries, associated accommodation...

Audio from the radio slowly traveling program 32 Darwinians radio Bike

We invite you to explore the wildest of Madrid through a tour attraction, in which landscapes, the nature and the beauty of its villages will leave mark on your senses.
Ciclamadrid MTB Tour

North Sierra biker ring is a specially designed for mountain biking tour, Although it is also suitable for hiking and represents the first phase of signage and the first itinerary proposed on Carpetania, the network of paths of the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

The route runs along the perimeter of the network of roads and the Sierra Norte and has a length of 210 KMS. with numerous access to populations, where you will find all kinds of tourist services such as restaurants and charming rural accommodation. The course is ideal to do it by stages, linking some of mountain people and staying in the accommodation in the area, Although sections loose connecting some accesses can also be performed.

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Distance (circular): 213 km.
Maximum height: 1.845 MTS.
Minimum height: 696 MTS.
Cumulative (positive and negative): 5.771 MTS.
Cycling: 99,5%

Almost all of the ring travels along forest tracks and paths with a comfortable width for circular and in very good condition. The ring is generally level half, taking into account that we are in a mountainous area. The degree of difficulty depends on the direction of travel and the design of the stages will be proposed through our website or which the users themselves to design.

The ring runs through places of high natural and landscape value such as the National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama, the biosphere reserve, the Vega del Jarama and the Lozoya and passes or has access to beautiful villages integrated in its natural environment as Lozoya, Braojos, Montejo, La Hiruela, La Puebla, Patones, Bustaviejo..., where will we find accommodation that will facilitate us to our activities and places to eat. The tour reaches heights superior to the 1800 MTS. and a large part of the maintains dimensions above the 1500 MTS. so the spectacular panoramic on the Sierra are guaranteed.

The cycling ring Sierra Norte, link with the regional travel Ciclamadrid, with that share a stretch of 23,7 km. allowing access full cycling from the city of Madrid.

Carpetania, Network of paths of the Sierra Norte

Carpetania is a network of roads that runs through the region of the Sierra Norte de Madrid. It works on the principle of total connectivity, It is inspired by the Swiss model and is based on the recovery of the original functionality of the historical network of public roads.

The network connects all of mountain populations, In addition to the attractions of natural interest, landscape and heritage, forming a kind of network of roads but for hiking, where the number of possible itineraries is unattainable, and a path leads not to a place but to many. The network makes it easy to adapt to the tastes of each visitor the practice of hiking, Depending on the time you want to spend, the degree of difficulty, the attractions that you want to visit or the place where you wish to eat or stay.

The itinerary proposed in this report constitutes the first phase of network signage, that is in itself a proposal of route for hiking and mountain biking, and the first example of the many possibilities that provides network Carpetania.


The network consists of three types of signs:

Tracking brands

Are yellow and are painted on natural supports that are on the ground (stones, Barks of trees or other existing media) or on artificial media as beacons. The marks are located approximately every 300 MTS.

Vertical signalling

It is in all the crossroads of the network. It consists of a stick and different banners. Each flag informs us in first place in the name of the road that we, below indicates the 4 nearer populations in each direction or highlights, as hills, ports, hermitages... time and distance (a maximum of six hours). Sometimes a population may appear several times in a same suit, If there is no indication under the same, indicates the shortest route, If in another flag appears with the indication "for..." It tells us that it is a longer alternative to get to the same place through any attraction or town.

In each suit there is a plate indicating the registration of signal, the place name where it is located, the altitude and the UTM coordinates.

Information billboards

In each population are informative billboards of the redde roads. On one side is a map across the network and on the other an expanded vision of 9 KMS. around the town in which we find ourselves. In addition to appear the closest tourist offices.

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