Snow sports

The terrain and climate of the Sierra Norte mountains one of the main enclaves in the downtown area for the skiing and snow in all its forms activities make.

Without the need for large displacements, less than an hour from Madrid we have alpine ski resort of Valdesqui, with more than 22 km. ski areas and a ski and snowboard school. Very close to this, in the port of Cotos, We have a circuit of up to 5 km for the practice of cross-country skiing, in the area of La Prairie. From the restoration carried out by the community of Madrid after the Elimination of Alpine Ski Valcotos has boosted this mode of enjoyment from the snow. This track in the background, If snow conditions permit, It's tread to get a circuit for modes classic and skating. It can be accessed from the north end of the parking of Los Cotos. There is an area for beginners. Access is free and open.

We have another important station of snow sports in of Navafria, in the center of Nordic ski and mountain Navafria, with more than 40 km. ski areas where we can practice cross-country skiing, Snowshoes, Nordic walking or roller ski. It has school, rental and shop.

The mountain or cross-country skiing, It is another of the modalities that we can practice both on the slopes and peaks of greater height in the massifs of Peñalara, Long rope, , as in the area of Navafria (Montes Carpetanos) or the port of Somosierra in the three provinces peak and its vicinity.

And on these same scenarios, and in almost all the mountainous alignments of the Sierra Norte, snow permitting, Another activity for everyone that we can perform are snowshoe routes, guided or on our own.


Snow sports companies

Centre for Nordic skiing and mountain Navafria
Aldealengua de Pedraza (Segovia)
Tel.: 629 339 369 / 687 375 430

Madrid Backcountry
Villavieja del Lozoya
Tel.: 645 239 367

Meridian Raid
Lozoya, El Berrueco and Cervera de Buitrago
Tel.: 91 733 79 06 / 635 445 033

Cervera de Buitrago.
Tel.: 91 868 71 53 / 616 585 826

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