Bird ringing
in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

Banding into a scientific tool whose main objective is to obtain fundamental information about the biology and ecology of birds, as the migratory routes, sizes and population trends, If they are scattered or are always in the same place, its longevity, etc. It is also used by technicians for the management of biodiversity.

Capacity management will be undertaken by the Centre of tourism Villa San Roque, on the phone 91 277 81 01, or in the mail info@sierranortemadrid.org

Upcoming dates:

27 April of 2.019

25 may of 2.019

22 of June of 2.019

7 September of 2.019

21 September of 2.019

8 October of 2.019


Ornithological destination
Banding scientist
The bird ringing

It consists of the placement of a metal ring on the leg of the bird which is registered a forwards indicating the country where it has banding and a unique number, allowing you to identify the bird. Therefore, is a unique brand, an ID of the bird with which you will writing its history to retrieve it with his ring at different times or places. Used rings do not alter the behavior of the bird that carries them, post that today there is a wide range of models of metal rings, whose characteristics, dimensions and materials allow dial in the proper all the species that inhabit or pass through our country.

Banding in general serves as a tool for scientific knowledge and for monitoring and management of populations whose ultimate goal is to create strategies of conservation for the birds and their HABITAT.

Information collected by the banders and individuals is now centralized in the banding Office of the Spanish society of ornithological temporarily, It depends of the Ministry of agriculture, Food and environment, that manages database of bird banding with more than 8 million data, and is responsible for, In addition, communications with the foreign offices of ringing.

Banding Sierra Norte Madrid
A morning banding birds
in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

In the center of innovation tourist Villa San Roque of the Cabrera set the meeting point on the 10:00. Once there we are going to nets to catch the birds that have fallen, with all the care in the world. We took them to the area of banding and anillamos them, While we give different explanations about the ringing of birds and of the ecology and biology of birds in general and the species caught in particular.

Birds, provided that they are not very sensitive species, they can caress, observe closely and there will always be a lucky one that might put it back into freedom without any harm, under our supervision. Every time we went down to networks for new screenshots. We have many years of experience to make, from a purely scientific activity, something very pleasant and playful, for all audiences and age groups. And so we spent the morning, entertained until the 12:30 approximately, When we collect nets and we are all so happy, for having taught what we know and have learned a lot!

The activity will make it six days between April and October of 2.019, for groups of a maximum of 25 people.

Price of the banding day: – Adults and children: 10 € / person – Not recommended for children of 4 years.

What we need

• Binoculars.

• Field guide.

• Comfortable and closed shoes.

• Sun protection: Hat, Cap, lip balm, protective cream.

• The essentials: pencil, paper, water, snacks, insect repellent and disposable handkerchiefs.

• If going on a rainy day, waterproof and if the observation is night, a focus.

• If plastic bags are some interesting rest.

• Map of the area or route to follow.

Code of the good observer

• Do not put death, damage, annoy or disturb the birds. Avoid your flight, approach in excess or photograph them, their welfare is the most important.

• Not to disrupt recovery spaces, breeding, Muda, wintering, rest and passage of the animal species.

• Take care of their habitats. You have to be respectful and leave it all as we have found it.

• Try not to make noise. In this way, the chances of seeing them increase.

• The use of claims or other means of attraction are prohibited.

• Keep in mind that the breeding season is very sensitive. If it bothers them is, You can leave the nest and therefore miss the sunset.

• Not to reveal the location of nests or interesting or rare birds, especially if it is a species threatened, e report to the relevant authorities.

• Observe restrictions on access to private or protected areas.

• Avoid leaving the roads and marked trails.

• Care for the natural environment, do not leave garbage and does not boot, pick up, cut and causing plants.

• Do not start, pick up, cut, causing or recolecctar flowers, fruits and seeds.

• If the route passes through a protected space, Learn about current legislation.

• Do not go alone and let said the route which will take place.

• Start the activity at a reasonable hour so that it is done at night.

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