• Low Valley of the Lozoya

    El Berrueco

    The municipality of El Berrueco is located on the shores of El Atazar reservoir in a natural environment surrounded of stones berroqueñas some of them are extension of the nearby Sierra de La Cabrera. El Berrueco has an altitude of 925 meters and an extension of 28,80 km. From the point of view of the physical environment highlight the peculiar granite stone of all its municipal term of where comes to El Berrueco if important and ancient tradition quarry. Several streams flow through their lands, among which are the Arroyo Jobalo or that of La Dehesilla and a rich and varied vegetation to which must be added the importance of rangelands for livestock use of oak melojo or encina indicating us livestock not so distant past. We emphasize in El Berrueco traditional constructions of stone and wood that today are still preserved and which develop in unique setting for the representation of a traditional Nativity which is held during the Christmas period in the town. Traditional activities no longer in El Berrueco the importance of yesteryear but are still kept alive some of them such as basketry, the manufacture of tiles and bricks, the wood work, forging iron and above all the stonework, that currently it continues to maintain its importance and that can be seen in the magnificent Museum of stonework outdoor. It should be also noted that the Commonwealth of the reservoir of el Atazar which houses the Museum of water is located in El Berrueco, one of the seven museums that this Commonwealth has distributed by many peoples. In its municipal highlight some interesting monuments, as the Atalaya de Torrepedrera, the Church of Santo Tomás Apóstol, the transept of the Church, The Hermitage of Santa María, The channel of the Villar, the pillory or roll, del Potro's branding and the Museum of stonework, or the Roman bridge over the Brook Jobalo. El Berrueco has nowadays become an ideal place to enjoy nature and practice all kinds of activities among which we highlight the nautical activities, hiking or horseback riding. All of this in a unique cultural environment and with many possibilities to enjoy rural tourism.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 925 m

    Nº people: 615

    91 868 61 16

    Related tourist information

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