In the Sierra Norte traditional products play a key role for its wide variety of products

Today gastronomy in the Sierra Norte

The Sierra Norte de Madrid has its own identity within the autonomous community. Its geographical situation, bounded by the sierra de Guadarrama and the Jarama River basin, make that contact with Segovia and North of Guadalajara have printed you original and autochthonous character.

The traditional way of life is based on livestock (vaccine, caprine and ovine, Although they were reared pigs for slaughter), in agriculture and other complementary activities such as charcoal or bee-keeping. Therefore, basic products of its cuisine are meat, the killing, legumes, vegetables, honey and that naturally provides the environment; hunting, River fishing, mushrooms and wild plants.

Its humid climate (by serrano), its altitude (in many cases superior to 1000 m.) and the acidity of their lands to condition their gardens crops, but they are suitable for many beans (they have been recognized more than 70 different species), for fruit trees (famous are the cherries and the buts de La Hiruela) and some vegetables (potatoes and tomatoes, especially).

Today he works in the maintenance and promotion of the products of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, being unanimous recognition of the quality of their meats, their gardens and their wines now. Is being presented the sub appellation of origin (wines from Madrid) of the Molar. Wild mushrooms and hunting have gone from a sporadic use to be one of the attractions of the fall season, winter and spring.

Also new producers have joined the traditional, providing quality and innovation in the cuisine of the region. We can mention the cheese of Santo Mamés, the Madarcos smoked and artisan beers from various locations.

Many locals who come to spend the day, to make nature tourism and cultural. Gastronomy can be the main reason for your visit or complement to a familiar path. According to the fundamental reason for their various expertise profile, from families with children looking for "a day in the field" to groups of couples who want to "culture and table". For some years many tourists from other parts of Spain are adding.

But they always seek cuisine based on the products of the land and the local tradition. They appreciate that you respect the seasonal products and traditional use, but also like a neat and modern presentation.

Translated into specific dishes, preferences are: traditional vegetables dishes, dishes with mushrooms, game dishes and dishes from the sierra. Dessert, which we do in the oven on a daily basis, the home-made cakes.

Ignacio Merino. Gastronomic Association President


More information
Gastronomy Sierra Norte de Madrid
An exceptional raw

Enjoy the wide range of traditional products such as vegetables, mushrooms, the goat cheese, semicured or cured, honey, the homemade pork sausages or the always succulent meats of the Sierra de Guadarrama. Conquer your palate!

Gastronomy Sierra Norte de Madrid
One of its three flavors sampled

Born due to a craftsman and pampered process a craft beer that will appeal to your palate by its texture.

Based on traditional production methods and using raw materials 100% natural and ecological.

Beer Bailandera
Phone 655 311 569

Beer Pax Vobis
Phone: 619 331 710

Gastronomic Association
The union makes the force

To make known the traditional cuisine of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, many of their bars and restaurants have designed a gastronomic tours so you can enjoy the most of the exquisite gastronomic offering this Madrid region

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