Ornithological destination

The Sierra Norte de Madrid, It is the wildest and most protected from the Madrid area, It comprises a wide and varied territory in which we can find, the National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama, the biosphere reserve of the Sierra de Rincón LIC basin of the Lozoya River and Sierra Norte and the area of special protection for birds 'high Lozoya"all this makes the Sierra Norte de Madrid in one of the best bird-watching destinations of Spain, with a multitude of different ecosystems for the practice of the birdwatching. From the high peaks of the Sierra of Guadarrama National Park to the Oaks of the mountain ramp or the countryside of the Valley of the Jarama.


Banding into a scientific tool whose main objective is to obtain fundamental information about the biology and ecology of birds.


Areas ornithology
High mountain
High mountain

In the summits and the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain ropes, many more of 2000 m. altitude, You can see impressive birds of prey like the Eagle or Griffon Vultures flying over the cliffs and cut. Are also smaller birds such as the thrush Nightingale, the dunnock, the Alpine accentor, the Raven, the Crag, the Red-billed Chough, the Bunting or Wheatear.

The Scots pine woods
The Scots pine woods

This mass of conifers located between 1,500 m. and 2,100 m. altitude, large birds of prey such as the goshawk and Black Vulture build their nests. It is possible to observe the flight of the European honey-buzzard, and, other smaller birds such as woodpeckers, coal tits, the Jay, the Nuthatch, the treecreeper, the crested Capuchin or crossbill, they are in these trees shelter and food. Also here they inhabit important birds of prey at night as the long-eared OWL or OWL.

The oak forest
The oak forest

The oak forest occupies the slopes of the mountains below 1500 m. altitude, between the mountain ramp and wild pine forest. But not only Oaks, We also have forests of beeches, Birch and Holly trees scattered around the territory constituting a transition zone that shelters a large number of birds of different biotopes.
Birds of prey such as the common buzzard or Hawk live in oak; night as the tawny owl or scops owl, and as the common saithe smaller birds, the Red-backed Shrike, the pied Flycatcher, the crested, the myth, the Firecrest, the cuckoo or the Golden oriole. With luck, in winter it is possible to see the flight of the Woodcock or Woodcock.

The mountain ramp or Piedmont
The mountain ramp or Piedmont

The main protagonist of this area is the oak, Although it coexists with other species such as junipers of the miera, the sabina or the gall. In addition to having a rich understory and alternating with more open areas of cultivation, This ecosystem provides shelter and food to a multitude of birds and other animals.
In this area, it is common to the presence of prey such as the kite and black kite, the booted Eagle, the short-toed eagle or the common buzzard. It is also possible to observe the Spanish imperial Eagle and the night as the stone curlew, the Nightjar, the tawny owl, scops owl or owls in the Rocky.
Other birds present in the mountain ramp are the hoopoe, the críalo, the Azure-Winged Magpie, the Red-legged Partridge, the Mexican notary, the stonechat, the common Shrike and the Wheatear, among others.

The aquatic environment
The aquatic environment

Water has a special role in the Sierra Norte. In addition to five wetlands that is home to the sierra, the Lozoya and Jarama rivers are born in our mountains, giving rise to courses in Virgin waters that favor life to birds such as the washerwomen (White, Wagtail and grey wagtail), the Dipper, the Kingfisher, the common Nightingale or the Wren. To this must be added the Lakes of glacial origin of Peñalara, declared RAMSAR site under the name of wetlands of the massif of Peñalara.
In the marshes is easy to observe the Black-headed Gull, the great Cormorant, the grey heron, the common coot, the Mallard, the Shoveler, the great crested grebe or the Common Pochard.


Ornithological guides, observation, photography and Hydes

Monachus ecotourism
Garganta de los Montes
Tel.: 626 739 082

Villavieja del Lozoya.
Tel.: 699 203 766 / 91 868 03 72

Wild Iberian Nature
Oteruelo del Valle, Rascafría.
Tel.: 619 848 124 / 681 268 935

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