Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

The Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth, with V.A.T.. number P2800074C, registered at Plaza Picasso, 1 - 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid), phone 912778101 and email infosierranorte@gmail.com It is responsible for the treatment of the personal data.

How can I contact the data protection delegate?

You can contact personally to the Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth, located at Plaza Picasso, 1 - 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid).

You can also contact the data protection delegate by phone, calling to the 912778101, or via mail by writing to infosierranorte@gmail.com.

With that purpose personal data are treated?

The Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth This is the information that is provided in order to manage the collection and transport of domestic waste in the area of the Sierra Norte and other municipalities of the community of Madrid, carry out the management of construction and demolition waste transfer centre in Buitrago del Lozoya, as well as the center of tourist innovation of Villa San Roque.

Also, We use your data to promote the tourism resources of the Sierra Norte, organizing activities and sweepstakes, clearing doubts raised through the web site, subscribing to our newsletter to receive information about tourist proposals, etc.

The personal data provided will be kept as long as the relationship with the Commonwealth, until the data subject request its deletion or years necessary to comply with legal obligations.

Be sent commercial information?

In certain forms of collection of personal data, as well as in the newsletter subscription or participation in sweepstakes or contests, the Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth You can obtain the consent of the holder of the data for the sending of commercial communications, events organized by the Commonwealth, participation in sweepstakes, and other communications similar or similar purposes.

What is the legitimation to use your data?

The legal basis for the treatment of personal data are the following:

  • The fulfillment of a task in the public interest or the exercise of public powers, as well as the fulfilment of a legal obligation, on the basis of the powers legally conferred.
  • The consent of the person concerned for the treatment of your personal data, obtained through the acceptance of our privacy policy, cookies policy and .

To which recipients are communicated data?

The data is transferred to third parties where there is a legal obligation, as, For example: Social Security, banks and savings banks, Comunidad de Madrid, Ministry of finance and economy, Ministry of health, etc.; or when you give us your consent.

Personal data will be not sent outside of the European economic area, so there will be no international transfer of data.

What are your rights when you provide your consent?

Those affected, as owners of their data, they can exercise to the Commonwealth, the access rights, rectification, Suppression, opposition and limitation to the treatment of the same.

  • Right of access. The plaintiff is entitled to be informed about the purposes of the treatment, categories of personal data which are processed and possible data communications and their recipients, the term of storage of data, the right to request rectification or deletion of the data, the limitation to the treatment, and to oppose to it, the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Agency of data protection, the guarantees for the realization of international transfers.
  • Right of rectification. The affected Party shall have the right to rectify inaccurate data, and that incomplete personal data complete, including through an additional statement.
  • Right of removal. The affected may request the deletion of personal data provided that if any of the cases referred to by the regulations.
  • Right to limitation of treatment. The plaintiff shall be entitled to ask the Commonwealth to suspend the processing of their data if it disputes the accuracy thereof or if he has exercised the right to oppose the processing, While checks if the legitimate reasons for the Commonwealth prevails over the affected. It is also entitled to ask the Commonwealth to keep personal data when processing is lawful but the plaintiff opposes the deletion of their data and instead request the limitation of use or when the Commonwealth no longer needs those data, but the affected need them for the formulation, exercise or defence of claims.
  • Right of opposition. The affected may oppose the treatment when for reasons related to your personal situation, safe treatment of those data proving that there is a legitimate interest should cease, or is necessary for the exercise or defence of claims.

For the exercise of these rights, holders may be addressed to the Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth, residing at Plaza Picasso, 1 - 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid), phone 912778101 and email infosierranorte@gmail.com.

How we have obtained personal data?

The personal data is the Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth they have been obtained directly from the holder of such data or of other public administrations, in accordance with the law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the common administrative procedure of the public administrations.

The categories of personal data covered are:

  • Data relating to the Commission of offences,
  • Call sign data,
  • Personal characteristics data,
  • Data of social circumstances,
  • Academic and professional data,
  • Details of employment,
  • Commercial information,
  • Economic data, insurance or financial,
  • Transaction data.

What is the record of activities of the Commonwealth?

  • Employment exchange. The employment Exchange Management, so that there is coordination between the supply and demand of labour in the area, to contact companies that offer employment with the claimants of the same and get the conjunction of interests.
  • Payroll and personnel management. HR management and employment of the staff of the Commonwealth, payroll management, contracts and other paperwork for the fulfillment of legal obligations in labour matters, Prevention of occupational risks and personnel selection.
  • Check output. Registration of the documentation of input and output of the Commonwealth.
  • Records. Collecting and processing personal data related to the processing of administrative procedures in which participates the Commonwealth and citizenship.
  • Economic and accounting management. Management of the accounting of the Association and the management of suppliers and creditors.
  • File. Documentary archive of the Commonwealth: administrative records, accounting management, registration of inputs and outputs, records of boards of Directors and staff, control access to researchers.
  • Image and communication: Web and mail. Image and info from the Commonwealth, advertising of services offered, administrative procedures provided to citizen, contact between the citizen and administration, management of contacts and emails.
  • Tourism. Promotion and management of tourism in the Sierra Norte de Madrid.
  • Waste management. Management of construction and demolition waste transfer plant, as well as administrative management, tax and accounting.

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