Exhibitions of Buitrago del Lozoya Town Hall

    The exhibitions of Buitrago del Lozoya Town Hall was inaugurated the day 5 March of 2010 with the "El Barbero de Picasso" exhibition curated by Pedro Arias, to commemorate the 25 Anniversary of the opening of the Picasso Museum of Buitrago and the centenary of his father, Eugenio Arias, the buitragueno, Barber and confidante of Picasso, that with its legacy of custom gifts made by the artist both enriched the heritage of Buitrago and the society in general.

    The creation of the Municipal exhibition hall came to driven by the commitment of the City Council give Buitrago of adequate space for the holding of exhibitions, mostly related to the world of plastic creation - paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photographs...-, but also, as evidenced by his career, with other social and cultural areas such as the scientific, relating to education, history or simply the commemoration of some fact or specific activity.

    Have been numerous exhibitions of individual and collective character requested by specific artists and groups, to which host has given them, and that they have always been generous with the city of Buitrago, donating one of the exhibited works to enrich the already important collection of contemporary art treasures.

    In the room have been held more than 45 exhibitions since its opening and has a space of 180 m2 with four mobile walls of 440 cm long, 220 height and 40 width, that make the room a versatile space that greatly facilitates the mounting of exhibitions.



    C / bakery, 19. 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid)


    From Tuesday to Friday: of 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 18.00 h.
    Saturday: of 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 19.00 h.
    Sunday and public holidays: of 10.00 to 14.00 h.
    Closed Mondays; the days 1 and 6 January; Easter Sunday; 24, 25 and 31 December and a festive local.

    Visit rules

    – The consumption of drinks and food inside the Hall is not permitted.
    – Photograph and record with mobile devices is permitted, No flash and no tripod, for personal use. Films, and professional reports requires permission of the community of Madrid.
    – There is a special entry in the building to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility or in wheelchairs.

    Museums de la Sierra Norte de Madrid
    Related tourist information

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