Valle Alto del Lozoya

The Valley is delimited by two mountain ranges: the Northern, divide between Madrid and Segovia, in the left margin of the Lozoya, It extends from preserves to the Portachuelo de Navarredonda, with altitudes ranging between 1.800 and 2.200 meters and with its snow-capped much of the year. Steps to Segovia are produced by the ports of preserves, The blow-out, Malagosto and Navafria. By South, the Valley closes on its higher by the long rope, with Najarra Summit (2.015 meters) at its eastern end of the port of Morcuera, which is the natural access to the Valley from Miraflores close, later softening the line of summits between the peak of the Espartal (1.733 meters) and the Cachiporrilla (1.619 meters).

In its central area, the terrain is plain, and good quality, It is crossed southwest to Northwest by the Lozoya River; in it are abundant irrigation with numerous trees of riverside meadows, poplars, poplar and ash trees combined with horticulture, as well as oak, Oak and dry in its lower slopes, crops, In addition to some elm trees and Brambles. In its middle slopes are oak forests reduced by pine forest as well as pockets of sabinar, mixed with the creeping Juniper and the rebollo. At the highest summits are just high mountain pastures.

Different entrances leading to the Alto Valle del Lozoya: The NI by the regional M-604, the M-611 from the port of Cotos or M-637 from the Segovia slope by of Navafria.

Located in front of the monastery of El Paular two centres, the management centre "Park House" - bridge of forgiveness that manages the "Parque Natural de Peñalara and Valle de El Paular" and the information center and bridge environmental education of forgiveness, in this last you can get information about the different activities and resources in the area. Interesting signalized routes depart from these points to make on foot, on horseback or by mountain bike.

From its numerous mountain passes, some accessible by car (Preserves, Morcuera or Navafria) and other, steps of yesteryear now accessible only walk (Blow-out, Malagosto...), open large wisdom teeth that approaching summits as Peñalara, Iron head, The Snowfield, La Najarra or the Espartal. Before going down to the bottom of the Valley, a visit to the circuses of Peñalara and Pinilla is also suitable; to the viewpoints of Lozoya, Cossio and Oaks; to multiple streams such as the Umbria, Gable or El Paular; spots unique as the waterfalls of purgatory or the Devil's car; or as unique as the Pinar de Navafria vegetation, the Belgians or el Sabinar de Lozoya.

Monasterio de Santa María de El Paular

Camino Natural of the Valle del Lozoya

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