Sierra del Rincón

This area is located at the northeastern end of the Sierra Norte, in an area in which its population shortage contrasts with the wealth of resources that conserves.

Visitors who go through these lands you will find three distant municipalities each other a few kilometers: Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Pradena del Rincon and Montejo de la Sierra.

From Montejo de la Sierra you can access La Hiruela by the port of the same name, small town in beautiful views, surrounded by mountains constituting also a point for bird watching.

Puebla de la Sierra can be reached either from Pradena del Rincon or from Robledillo de la Jara. It's a high mountain village presenting the attraction of forming a small Valley surrounded by the mountains of the Sierra de Puebla and crossed by the river of la Puebla.

It borders to the North with Somosierra, on the East by the foothills of the Ayllón massif and the terms of the Cardoso, Colmenar, The Vihuela, all lands of Guadalajara; to the South with the municipalities which are located surrounding reservoirs and to the West with the national I.

The Sierra del Rincón offers visitors natural surroundings of great richness in plant and animal species. The predominant forest formations are the pine forest of reforestation and the oak (Pyrenean oak), the latter co-exists well with other trees of Net Atlantic character such as Rowan, yews and Hollies.

Special mention deserves the mixed forest of beech and oak in the municipality of Montejo de la Sierra, on the Mount of El Chaparral, where the Hague has its most southern Iberian refuge.

The five municipalities are different elements of traditional architecture, and they offer visitors many tourist possibilities to learn about the natural and cultural environment.

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