• Patones

    Restaurant Pennyroyal

    The joint host has two restaurants that also function independently, I mean, they are not exclusive to guests staying at the hotel, but that they are open to the public.

    Pennyroyal is the name of the main restaurant, It is covered and integrated in the facilities of the hotel. It works at all times.

    Decor and style, elegant and cosy, You can see in the photographs of the section “Images” from the main menu, as well as some of their delicious dishes.

    The cuisine served is traditional with creative touches.

    The garden of Pennyroyal, next to the body of the hotel, consists of two parts: a closed and glazed wooden porch and a delightful summer terrace. The cuisine that is offered during the day is typical of the area.

    The part covered runs throughout the year. During the summer months, At night, the patio completely transforms their decoration and the letter is the same as the Pennyroyal

    Chef and owner, Paco Bello, responsible for the kitchen and the rooms, It offers to its customers a professionalism beyond all doubt with a sympathy and warmth of treatment that the diner will always remember fondly.

    Contact information

    Brook crossing, 3. 28189 Patones (Madrid)

    91 843 21 01

    Squares: 80 squares

    Average price: Between 40 and €45


    Related tourist information

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