• Within the network of green paths of the community of Madrid, "The path of the Genaro" with their 70 kilometres is characterized as representing greater length on its way. It is classified as Gran travel route (GR 300) by the Spanish Federation of mountaineering. The route runs in the environment surrounding the el Atazar dam, greater capacity within the community of Madrid.

    The path is characterized by ethnographic and environmental values that can be seen along the same. Of great interest are the hydraulic constructions associated with the supply of water from the reservoir, the cattle trails full of history, full of chromatic contrasts and steep landscapes and a wide variety of rocks, flora and fauna.

    The path of Gennaro is a great ideal itinerary to do it by stages and spend the night in some of the villages through which passes the path, so to know and integrate the spirit of these people and this region with a unique personality.

    The tour is fully marked with marks of GR (White and Red), belonging this route to the route approved by the FEDME GR-300.

    There are also variants for mountain biking in the stretches where is can not combine hiking with bicycle. Variants have only directional indicators at the start of each section and at the junction with the original tour.

    Times recommended for exploring the path are the spring, When the slopes are covered with the white robes of flowers of the jara pringosa and autumn with the explosion of color in deciduous trees.

    El Berrueco - Patones de Arriba

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 1)


    Length: 11,6 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 3h 16′
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 381
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 486
    Height Max: 1.074 MTS.
    Height Min: 833 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route

    Patones de Arriba - El Atazar

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 2)


    Length: 16,3 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 4h 52′
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 929
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 781
    Height Max: 1.267 MTS.
    Height Min: 732 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route

    El Atazar - Robledillo de la Jara

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 3)


    Length: 12,2 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 2h 56′
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 434
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 396
    Height Max: 1.135 MTS.
    Height Min: 884 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route

    Robledillo de la Jara - Cervera de Buitrago

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 4)


    Length: 4 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 1h
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 82
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 206
    Height Max: 1.043 MTS.
    Height Min: 916 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route

    Robledillo de la Jara - The Hospitalillo

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 5)


    Length: 5,4 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 1h 24′
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 93
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 185
    Height Max: 1.048 MTS.
    Height Min: 900 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route

    The Hospitalillo - Mangiron

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 6)


    Length: 3 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 44′
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 115
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 28
    Height Max: 1.008 MTS.
    Height Min: 921 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route

    The Hospitalillo - El Berrueco

    Path of the Genaro (Stage 7)


    Length: 9,6 km. One way. Linear path.
    Travel time: 2h 25′
    Accumulated positive altitude change: + 128
    Cumulative negative altitude: - 147
    Height Max: 956 MTS.
    Height Min: 877 MTS.
    Signaling: Yes.

    Profile of the route



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