Cookies policy


We use own and third-party cookies to improve our services and show you advertising related to their preferences by analyzing their browsing habits. If you continue browsing, We consider that it accepts its use. You can change the settings or further information here.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about your computer or a user browsing habits and, Depending on the way you use your computer and the information they contain, they can be used to recognize the user.

Are types of cookies using this website?

Website cookies: They are those that well treated by us or by third parties, They allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use of the offered service users. So your navigation on our website is analyzed in order to improve the supply of products or services that we offer.

The application that we use to obtain and analyze the navigation information is: Google Analytics: and

This application has been developed by Google, that provides us the audience of our site analysis service. This company may use these data to improve their own services and to offer services to other companies. You know those other uses from the listed links.

This tool does not obtain data of names or surnames of users or the postal address from which are connected. The information it collects for example relates to the number of pages visits, language, social network that is publishing our news, the city that is assigned the IP address from which users access, the number of users who visit us, the frequency and repetition of visits, time of visit, the browser you use, the operator or terminal type from which the visit is made.

Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from a computer or domain is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that treats the information obtained through cookies, or cookies installed from a computer or domain managed by the own editor but the information that is collected is managed by a third party. In this case use Cookies from external social networks, they are used so that visitors can interact with the content of different social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and they are only generated for these social networking users. The conditions of use of these cookies and the information collected is governed by the privacy policy of the appropriate social platform.

IDE 1 year Advertising cookie used to improve advertising, used to target advertising according to the content that is relevant to the user, improve campaign performance reports and avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.
PHPSESSID Session Used by the language of encrypted PHP to allow that the session variables are stored in the web server. This cookie is essential for the functioning of the web.
__stid 1 year It is the identifier of Sharew This ID for the user's session.
__unam 10 months The __unam cookie is defined as part of the ShareThis service and supervises the activity of “click-stream”, For example, web pages visited and browsed, and the time spent on pages. This service only personally identify visitors if they have signed separately with ShareThis to an account with them and gave them his consent.
_ga 2 years Registers a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about how visitors use the web site.
_gat Session Used by Google Analytics to monitor the rate of requests
_gid Session Registers a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about how visitors use the web site.
PREF 6 months It registers a unique identification that uses Google to keep statistics about how visitors use YouTube videos on different web sites.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 5 months Try to calculate the bandwidth of the user in pages with integrated YouTube videos.
YSC Session Registers a unique ID to maintain statistics of what YouTube videos has been the user.

We use this information to improve our website, detect new needs and assess improvements introduced with the purpose of providing a better service to users who visit us.

How to disable Cookies?

Can you allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the settings of the browser installed on your computer.


Internet Explorer: Tools-> Internet Options-> Privacy-> Configuration.

For more information, You can consult the Microsoft support or the browser help.

Firefox: Tools-> Options-> Privacy-> History-> Custom settings.

For more information, You can consult the Mozilla support or the browser help.

Chrome: Configuration-> Show advanced options-> Privacy-> Content settings.

For more information, You can consult the Google support or the browser help.

Safari: Preferences-> Security.

For more information, You can consult the Apple support or the browser help.

What happens if the Cookies are disabled:

Some features of the services will be disabled as, For example, remain identified, information directed to your location or the display of some videos.

We use own and third-party cookies to improve our services and show you advertising related to their preferences by analyzing their browsing habits. If you continue browsing, We consider that it accepts its use. You can change the settings or obtain More information

The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
