Beekeeping in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

Beekeeping is an ancient activity has had the man in own benefit by taking advantage of all the products that made the bees, through products such as honey, pollen or wax, good pollinators effects of bees on the outdoor or greenhouse crops.

Find out more about this activity in the following report.

Beekeeping activities
in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

One of the values that characterize the development of the tourism and food production in the Sierra Norte de Madrid is sustainability. Beekeeping is a profession largely associated with this concept, It is a trade that is strongly linked to the rural culture.

This year we have two companies to carry out the activity “Beekeeper for a day” in Robledillo de la Jara El Jabardo SAT and Braojos de la Sierra with honey the Bardal. Capacity management will be undertaken by the Centre of tourism Villa San Roque, on the phone 91 277 81 01, or in the mail For 2019 the following dates are planned (Saturdays):

Upcoming dates:

In Robledillo de la Jara
with the Jabardo SAT

2,9 and 23 February's 2.019

16 and 30 March of 2.019

13 and 20 April of 2.019

4, 11 and 25 may of 2.019

8 of June of 2.019

7 and 21 September of 2.019

5, 12, 19 and 26 October of 2.019

Upcoming dates:

Braojos de la Sierra
with honey the Bardal

16 February's 2.019

2, 9 and 23 March of 2.019

6 and 27 April of 2.019

18 may of 2.019

1, 15, 22 and 29 of June of 2.019

14 and 28 September of 2.019

Activity prices: adult €20 / person, children of 6-14 years (included) 10€ / person. Not recommended for children of 6 years.

Schedules: the approximate duration of the activities will be of 3-4 hours in the morning and may vary depending on the weather conditions that affect as little as possible the life of bees.

Discover everything you'll discover during this activity the following links: SAT the Jabardo and Honey the Bardal.

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