• "The only museum dedicated
    art and friendship "
    Eugenio Arias


    Museo Picasso

    The Museum Picasso-coleccion Eugenio Arias was the first Museum created and opened by the community of Madrid. Located from 1985 in rooms of the Town Hall of Buitrago del Lozoya, There are a collection of works that Picasso spent and gave to that was his Barber over the past 25 years of his life, from 1948 to 1973: Eugenio Arias, who met in Vallauris (South of France), During his exile.

    Picasso was giving his friend and confidant several works as proof of his affection. At the end of his exile, The Barber of Picasso wanted the collection to stay in their homeland, Buitrago, giving his collection in 1982. As a result, the Museum has a collection of works of varied nature: drawings, graphic work, photography, ceramics, pyrography and a short, as well as posters of exhibitions and books devoted artist Eugenio Arias.

    Since its reopening, the 11 in January of 2009, After a complete remodel, the Museum organizes temporary exhibitions that the figure and work of Picasso highlights and activities, his relationship with Eugenio Arias and enhance the cultural offer of the Sierra Norte de Madrid. In addition, two Saturdays per month, they are dynamic visits, workshops and mediation of the collective pedagogies invisible hand.



    Buitrago de Lozoya Town Council
    Plaza de Picasso, 1. 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid)


    From Tuesday to Friday: of 11.00 to 13.45 and 16.00 to 18.00 h.
    Saturday: of 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 19.00 h.
    Sunday and public holidays: of 10.00 to 14.00 h.
    Closed Mondays; the days 1 and 6 January; Easter Sunday; 24, 25 and 31 December and a festive local.
    *This schedule can suffer alterations for extraordinary activities organised in this space.

    Admission for groups

    Due to the characteristics of this Museum, more groups of 25 people must call to the 918 68 00 58 or 674 38 12 75 During Museum hours to arrange and book your visit.

    Visit rules

    – The consumption of drinks and food inside the Museum is not permitted.
    – Photograph and record with mobile devices is permitted, No flash and no tripod, for personal use. Films, and professional reports requires permission of the community of Madrid.
    – Packages, backpacks, bulky or sharp objects and umbrellas must be deposited in the lockers.
    – There is a special entry in the building to facilitate access for people with reduced mobility or in wheelchairs.

    Museums de la Sierra Norte de Madrid
    Related tourist information

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