• The Jarama Valley


    The municipality of Patones is composed of the towns of Patones de Arriba and Patones de Abajo. If anything characterises this municipality is the variety of landforms. Of El Atazar reservoir and Lozoya and Jarama rivers run through the term and its waterways are numerous important examples of the hydraulic heritage: the old dam of the pontoon of the olive, the dams of Navarejo and la Parra, the dam of Valdentales, in the place known as “the two rivers Board” because in it the Lozoya and Jarama joined. Also run through the municipality numerous channels with its corresponding siphons and beacons of great importance in the late 19th century civil engineering. The channel of the Lozoya or la Parra; the channel of the high Jarama and the Atazar, they spread the limestone wall that dominates the Valley of the Jarama from the pontoon of the olive to Torrelaguna. The remains of the ancient Canal de Cabarrus stand out because of its importance, heirs of the important tradition of gardeners that continues today. There are avenues of service of hydraulic infrastructures, as the channel of the high Jarama, with magnificent views over the Valley, and that of the Canal de la Parra, who dies in the dam of the same name across a valley of lush Grove, of great ornithological richness. The vegetal landscape is composed of Mediterranean scrubland and in las vegas a great variety of crops. In addition the edges of the two rivers show a tree very attractive landscape. The cave of the Reguerillo, declared a historic-artistic monument in 1944, It is located in the mountains and has great interest in its various formations of stalactites and stalagmites.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 832 m

    Nº people: 536

    91 843 20 26

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