Tourist innovation of the Sierra Norte de Madrid Center, Villa San Roque

A recreation villa inhabited, is currently, the center of innovation tourist Villa San Roque. In addition to promoting the tourist resources of the Sierra Norte and develop projects to consolidate a sustainable and quality destination, the center boasts of exhibit space, multimedia room which houses courses, conferences, workshops, seminars... and a botanical garden featuring native species, and other ornamental and horticultural occurring in the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

We are also the Tourist Office of the destination and we find in:

Avda. Cabrera, 36. 28751 La Cabrera (Madrid).
Tel: 91 277 81 01
Schedule: From Monday to Saturday: of 10:00 to 17:00h.
Sunday: of 10:00 to 15:00h.

En julio y agosto:
Schedule: From Monday to Friday: of 10:00 to 17:00h.
Saturday and Sunday: of 9:00 to 14:00h.

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