Reservation of the biosphere Sierra del Rincón

Schedule of attention to the public: of 9:30 to 15:30h
Phone: 91 869 70 5852 08 57

Villagers have managed to establish sustainable relations with their environment and get out of this, reason for which was declared biosphere reserve in the year 2005 by UNESCO.


Reservation of the biosphere Sierra del Rincón

Located less than 100 kilometres from the capital of Spain, the Sierra del Rincón, It is a hilly territory between the massifs of Ayllon and Somosierra, It is one of the most beautiful and unknown in the community of Madrid. It includes five municipalities (La Hiruela, Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Montejo de la Sierra, Pradena del Rincon and Puebla de la Sierra) What, altogether, pose 15.231 hectares.

Often the relationship of human beings with their environment has not always been respectful and we're forgetting future generations.

But there are places where it hasn't, villagers have managed to establish sustainable relations with their environment and get out of this. It is the case of the Sierra del Rincón, and why which was declared a biosphere reserve in the year 2005 by UNESCO.

Its rich landscape, the representativeness of its Mediterranean ecosystems and its model of conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development practices to the Sierra del Rincón become a good example of the select list of places in the world that make up the network of Biosphere reserves.

It is worth mentioning its abundant forest formations of Pyrenean oak, the pine forests of Scots pine, very well preserved riparian forests and the Hayedo de Montejo de la Sierra, unique beech of the community of Madrid.

Another resource that we enjoy is the rural architecture, reflection of the economic activities of yesteryear, that there are still vestiges in sources, Mills, forges, tinados, bullpen, Colmenares, regueras, branding Colts or traditional houses.

The beech forest is visited in small groups and in the company of a guide, by what should be booked in advance. The 50% authorisations are given, on the same day and in person, in the Centre of resources and information of the reserve of the biosphere Sierra del Rincón in Montejo de la Sierra, c/Real, 64, and the rest can be booked by phone or on the web.

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