Head of the portal: Services of the North Valley of Lozoya Commonwealth
N.I.F.: P2800074C
Address: Plaza Picasso, 1 - 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid)

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Is not assumes no responsibility for the use that minors may make in cases that the contents that are accessed may offend the sensibilities of the same. Full responsibility in the determination of the content and services they access minors corresponds to the largest charge are. There are mechanisms, in particular software of filter and block, You can limit the content available, being particularly useful to control and restrict the materials that can be accessed by minors.


This portal makes available to users technical linking devices, other tools such as search engines and directories, It allows them to access web sites belonging to and/or managed by third parties. The installation aims to only provide users access to information, content and services available on the Internet.

The Commonwealth of services of the Valley North of the Lozoya assumes no responsibility for the information contained on the web pages of third parties which may be accessed through links or search engines from our pages. However, undertakes to remove links if you have knowledge of the existence of illegal content or which injured rights of third parties.

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Also, the Commonwealth of services of the Valley North of the Lozoya is the owner of industrial property rights derived from the elements that make up your website or, in any case, It has the corresponding authorization for use.

In any case, the Commonwealth of services of the Valley North of the Lozoya liable for any infringements that could produce any user of the portal in this matter.


The Commonwealth of services of the Valley North of the Lozoya reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information of this website and its configuration without prior notice. In the same way you can suspend its broadcasting fully or partially and modify the structure or contents without prior notice.

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