• Middle of the Lozoya valley

    Buitrago del Lozoya

    Buitrago del Lozoya sits on a soft and pan landscape surrounded by the Lozoya River, at this point, it is regulated by reservoirs of Riosequillo and old bridge. The urban structure of the town speaks of its rich historical past, with an old town or medieval village located in its upper part, surrounded by walls of Arab origin fully consolidated as such in the late middle ages. Among the important walled highlight the Church of Santa Maria of the Castle, the parish church of San Miguel, the Hospital of San Salvador, the Plaza del Castillo, the House of the Duke…Within this important heritage, Buitrago also has an extraordinary cultural reference, the Picasso Museum with a display of more of 65 parts which include ceramics, and abundant graphic works and drawings.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 975 m

    Nº people: 2.078

    91 868 00 56

    Related tourist information

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