• Buitrago del Lozoya

    Restaurant Rancho Portachuelo

    Rancho El Portachuelo in Buitrago del Lozoya is ideal to enjoy the best of traditional Castilian cuisine restaurant, where quality, good price and excellent service, together with the original of our dishes, It will delight the most demanding palates and will surprise the most curious. It is, in short, a cuisine full of flavour and sensations, which highlight dishes such as red meats, Roasts, Fish, Seafood, etc.


    The establishment is open every day from 13 to 16 hours and 21 to 23 hours. Monday closed by weekly party. September closed for holidays.

    Contact information

    Avenida de Madrid, 3. 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid)

    91 868 11 35

    Squares: 90 squares

    Precio medio: Full menu of the day 10 €

    Related tourist information

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