• Buitrago del Lozoya

    Hostal Municipal Buitrago del Lozoya

    The Hostal Municipal Buitrago del Lozoya is located in the Sierra Norte Madrid, to 75 km from the capital by the A-1, in the Valley of the Lozoya River, located in the town of Buitrago del Lozoya.

    Its location in the heart of Sierra Norte facilitates excursions by municipalities near great attractions tourist both monumental and landscape. It lies just 30km, Rascafría, the Parque Natural de Peñalara, La Puebla, Torrelaguna, Patones or Hayedo de Montejo. Also very close to lesser-known places but, not for that reason less interest; We speak of the Valle del Lozoya and its numerous reservoirs low, of the villages situated at feet of the Montes Carpetanos and Peña Cebollera, of the impressive granitic mass in the sierra de La Cabrera. All of these places with plenty of hidden corners and a variety of active tourism.

    The accommodation is located within the town at only 5 minutes of the City Council and the monumental. This location allows guests, get to know the village comfortably, enjoy a short stroll to the most emblematic corners of the municipality, as the walls, Castle, the Picasso Museum or easily venture, in pine forests, bordered by the Lozoya River, where one spreads peace and quiet.

    This municipal hostel occupies a former hostel building and has a capacity for 26 squares, that is distributed in 13 simple and comfortable double rooms, recently renovated with private and communal living room.

    Its location and the excellent value for money, they make it the ideal place to spend a pleasant stay in this beautiful municipality of the community of Madrid.


    We offer only accommodation service, There are no maintenance or reception.
    Pets are not allowed.
    It is not adapted to people with reduced mobility.

    Contact information

    C / soledad, 2. 28730 Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid)

    674 38 12 44

    Squares: 26 squares in 13 rooms. Baño compartido

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