• Valle Alto del Lozoya

    Garganta de los Montes

    The mountains and the Cuadrón Gorge, populations located in the extreme northwest of the community of Madrid, they are the gateway to the high Valley of the Lozoya, one of the most special places of the Sierra Madrileña. Hidden among mountains and hills, are open to the river for its northern, where the Riosequillo reservoir holds the water of the Lozoya, Real Madrid's community spring. His landscapes are the result of slow modeling of the human being which for centuries has made use of this territory. The traditional use of natural resources have left the landscape an unmistakable printed mark; This land of cattle travelled by cattle trails and canyons form a mosaic of meadows, Oaks and dwarf that invite you to promenade. The main access to the Cuadrón and throat of the mountains location is along the north expressway, A-1. At km 69 This dual carriageway part of the M-604 highway that runs along the bottom of the Valley to Rascafría. TO 3 kilometers from the junction is situated the Cuadrón and following ones 3 kilometers further we find the detour from Garganta de los Montes (M-969). Possibilities of access by allowing you to enjoy the scenery of the Valley of the Lozoya are from the axis give it A-6 by the ports of Navacerrada and preserves (M-604), from Miraflores by the port of Canencia (M-629) or of the Morcuera (M-611), If accessed from Segovia, by of navafria (M-637). How to get by public transport are the intercity bus lines 194 (Madrid-Rascafría) and 195 (Madrid - Cuadrón-Braojos), both from Plaza de Castilla. There is also a line (194ª) Buitrago del Lozoya with Rascafría-link, Garganta de los Montes and the Cuadrón. History the historic origin of the throat of the mountains can be found in the middle ages, to the 14th and 15th centuries, When just a hundred pastors and their families settled following restocking policies in this area of the sierra. During the two following centuries the population of throat grows, Thanks to cattle - especially of the Merino sheep- and, to a lesser extent, their linen and cereal crops. In fact at that time two flour mills were built, one in la Tejera Brook and other, most important, in the Lozoya River. The village then maintains a relationship of dependency feudas- Attorney, legal and economic- towards the Duke of the Infantado, owner of the Manor of Buitrago, What determines their development. One of the most tragic dates of throat was the of 1599, When known as "bubonic plague" caused a great mortality both in throat and in the villages of the surroundings, in such a way that some were doomed to disappear. But with the passage of the years throat was recovered and returned to good health, demographic and economic. The mountains Gorge belonged to Guadalajara to 1833, year began to rely on Madrid. In the middle of the 19th century the village had a school, the Church, the cemetery and even a prison. The traditional cabana livestock and agricultural work craftsmen and laborers joined, among others he worked in a copper mine already abandoned in "La Horcajada". In recent years hunting and weight activity, ecotourism and rural tourism have given a new spin to life from Garganta de los Montes, Turning to the municipality into one of the most attractive and the most preserved of the Sierra Norte de Madrid. The origin of the Cuadrón is linked to the passage of several cattle trails, among which highlighted the Cañada real Segovia. In the 15th century Jews were owners of important possessions in the fertile lands in the vicinity of the Lozoya. To be expropriated after their expulsion from Spain, those grounds served to people coming from throat to settle on what up to that time had been just a hamlet, forming the population core of the Cuadrón. For centuries their status varied between Hamlet and village, but always belonging to the jurisdiction of throat. During the 17TH century it was known with the name of Clevadron, subsequently modified to the Cuadrón, as is now called. In the 19th century one of its economic engines was the exploitation of its mines of blenda, located at the entrance of the village, currently sealed. Currently its development goes largely through tourism; the Center for environmental education is located in their old schools, It provides information about the natural and tourist resources to anyone that comes to visit the Valle del Lozoya.


    Stroll the streets of these towns is to know its history and traditions. Agricultural structures and traditional dwellings of centuries past still remain and survive the streets, offering to visitors the charm of this rural environment. Visit: Parish Church of San Pedro Apóstol: Located in the Centre of throat, data from the end of the 15th century, Although its history goes back to the the brotherhoods of the Virgin and San Isidro, that it already existed a hundred years ago. The brethren who came to the Hermitage of San Isidro, in the nearby village of Ferreros (now defunct) they decided to lift this church to its appreciable deterioration. The Church has three naves separated by semicircular arches. Although his style could qualify as Byzantine as a whole, Gothic elements are also appreciated., Romanesque and Baroque. The oldest part is the main Chapel, covered with a vault, and above all its Tower, located at the foot of the building of large proportions with respect to the rest of the temple. Is account with eight arches on top of three bodies, that he let the Bell Tower. During the war of independence and the Civil war has seriously deteriorated the structure of the building and they robbed it of the unique pieces which were preserved for centuries inside: a Romanesque sculpture of the Virgin, the parish archives and numerous objects of silver. Among the treasures which still, We find the baptismal font and holy water, as old as the town of throat. Church of our Lady of the pillar: Built in the middle of the Cuadrón in stone, brick and wood, his style is that he is austere and simple, prepared for worship in a small town. Not stood up to the year 1925 on the initiative of the teacher of the village, acquiring the rank of parish in 1953. Until then, the inhabitants of this small population Centre did not have a place to express their faith, having to move in long walks to the churches of San Silvestre (people now defunct), or San Pedro, in throat. As a curiosity, He became kitchen of the Republican troops during the Civil War. Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de los Prados: This chapel has an historical origin and is of great value for residents. He could lift thanks to the donations of the faithful and donations, being inaugurated in 1998. The great devotion toward the Virgin dates back to alleged miracles that occurred in throat over the years that bubonic plague was primed with neighbors: According to the legend, the terrible epidemic the town abandoned two months earlier that in the rest of the region. The current Chapel is located in the place where settled the previous in honor to the Virgin of the meadows, century 17TH, disappeared in the early 19th century. Its construction has recovered traditions as the Romería of the Virgen de los Prados. Branding of Garganta de los Montes and the Cuadrón Colts: The two Colts Horseshoe still preserved, one in the Plaza of San Pedro of Garganta de los Montes and the other in the Cuadrón, they are evidence of cattle origin of the municipality. They were used to grasp and immobilize the cattle for branding him or make him cures. The animal was tied to him and is holding her head with the yoke, being completely immobilized and with bent legs, facilitating this task. Attractions the Mirador: Next to the clinic from the Cuadrón, building modern and respectful with the environment that integrates the construction typical components of the Sierra Norte, You can see a spectacular view of Valle del Lozoya. Sculpture "Weary del Valle": In the Cuadrón, about the clinic, We find this sculpture that pays homage to all the visitors of the Valley. Sculpture "Altarera": Bronze sculpture, located next to the Church of San Pedro in throat, erected in tribute to gargantena in one of the traditions women older people: the elaborate altars for the feast of Corpus Christi. Monument of "The grandfather and the granddaughter sharing experiences": Located in throat next to the doctor's office, the sculptural group integrates, as more neighbors, on the street where it is located, showing an endearing image of a grandfather and his granddaughter sitting on a bench, While grandfather features of yesteryear life was like before the watchful eye of the small.


    The peculiar culture developed in throat and El Cuadrón, it comes to represent the essence of more than seven centuries of history, hundreds of years which have been sculpting a way of life, conditioned by the physical environment as influential in mountain land. Large footprint de el Santo San Isidro Labrador has given the way around this town, as large number of popular tradition has been enriched by his cult. A rich history of miracles, that has also contributed Nuestra Señora de los Prados, It has provided to the religious high-fidelity gargantenos, and optimism and special kindness inside Dela region. All these expressions are culturally projected in a multitude of parties, celebrations, Customs, poetry, traditions... Holy week the Hornazo: After the religious ceremonies of the Thursday and Friday, the Sabbath is Holy week is celebrated El Hornazo, with a great snack with a good wine. The meeting: Easter Sunday is the procession of the meeting place, in coming from the Church of San Pedro out in procession the image of the risen Christ, escorted by men and, on the other hand, accompanied by women, the images of the Virgin. Both images are at a point where account “give a hug”, with three inclinations. Takes off the Virgin her black robe to make your embroidery can be seen in gold, the bells are played and the celebration ends with chants in honor of the reunion between Jesus and his mother. On may: Held each 30 April, with a party in which young people placed a tree cut into the square of the village known as "El Mayo". Festivities of San Isidro is held the 15 may. It has the tradition that San Isidro was in throat for different tasks, going on in that time a chain of miracles. The party maintains its tradition today held a mass and a procession in which the image leaves the Church while the neighbours shed wheat. The most joyful part comes next when the bunches of flowers are auctioned, ribbons and threads of San Isidro, distributing cheese and wine. Festive and cultural activities are organized. The altars and the Altareras is celebrated in the month of June the Coprpus Christi day. It responds to the ancient tradition starring women: There they are and adorn altars in several places in the town, where then is will be representing religious stations in Corpus Christi. Testimony of this tradition is the sculpture of the Altarera. Procession of our Lady of the fields is held on the Sunday closest to the day of San Pedro. During this celebration, the patron leaves in procession on the shoulders of the residents of the town to the chapel located two km, accompanied with music of flutes and drums. There is held a mass of Rosemary, where is the Prairie direct witness of dances of jacks and a traditional meal of stew gargantena. The patron saint remains in the chapel throughout the summer, until the month of October. Festivities of our Lady of the fields is held the first weekend of October, from Friday to Monday. The Patron Saint is moved from the Chapel to the village, in procession. The next day he attends the traditional auction of ramos and rods, also fruit and Bagels are auctioned. In the afternoon, After the religious holiday games and activities are organized; night neighbors gather in dance day of the woman Gargantena such as extension to the festivities in honor of the Patron Saint, the following Monday is celebrated the day of the Gargantena woman, that refers to a bride who stands on behalf of all the women of the village until the coming festivities. Dances are organized, games and prepare a stew. Patron Saint festivities of our Lady of the pillar is held in honor to the Virgen del Pilar, Patron Saint of the Cuadrón, during three days. The Friday closest to the day 12 October is celebrated with a dance night at the plaza; on Saturday held a diana flowered through the streets of the town and popular games, entity that highlights the "Threading the needle". The big day is the 12 October, by nuestra Señora del Pilar, the procession and the auction of ramos and rods. The religious festival is followed by the distribution of bun, bleeding and stew.


    All the natural environment of Garganta de los Montes and the Cuadrón enables the realization of interesting routes on foot or by bicycle. The Natural way of the Valle del Lozoya: It allows to know this environment and its peoples. The tour can start from the Centre of environmental education of the Cuadrón, where to get the information we need. From here we start to Garganta de los Montes and subsequently peoples of Lozoya, Pinilla del Valle, Oteruelo del Valle, in Rascafría, next to the monastery of El Paular. Way of the Cuadrón: From throat, We will make another journey that leads us to another population of the municipality. The Hermitage road: Route that leads to the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de los Prados, in the place of the Nava de la Virgen. Road to Buitrago; That we will come closer to this reservoir, Touring part of the Cañada Real Segovia. Camino de Canencia: From Garganta de los Montes to the municipality of Canencia. Ascent to the Mondalindo: You have a high difficulty.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.135 m

    Nº people: 390

    91 869 41 36

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