• Valle Alto del Lozoya


    Surrounded by the Sierra de Guadarrama, its relief is especially hilly. The Lozoya River and the reservoir the municipality is divided into two, leaving the southern slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama North, in where are set a series of small valleys. In terms of vegetation, the most important sector, within the municipal area, It is corresponding to the oak. It is followed in importance the Scots pine woods, occasionally mixed with jarales, as well as broom and Juniper. Of special interest in the term, It is the training constituted by sabina albar, that normally thrives in the plateaus of the peninsular Centre on calcareous substrate. However, in the vicinity of the town of Lozoya, the Juniper forest sits on acid rock and, in particular on gneiss. The territory is crossed by different livestock routes, roads and forest tracks, ideal for the practice of hiking and mountain-biking.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.114 m

    Nº people: 635

    91 869 30 29

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