• Valle Alto del Lozoya


    Canencia occupies a small Valley facing north, crossed by the Brook Canencia, that in turn is tributary of the Lozoya River. Surrounding the town meadows alternate, orchards and pastures and, as we ascend through its territory we have different forest communities such as the oak and pine forests of Scots pine. Within its natural heritage boasts an interesting botanical area in the vicinity of the port of Canencia, species of interest such as the Holly, yew trees, the birches, temblones poplars, the rowans…The village presents various examples of the traditional mountain architecture, with old dwellings built around two main streets. They are also medieval bridges saving Canencia Brook (Matafrailes bridges, Singing and chains...). In the high Valley of the Lozoya Canencia owes its name to the location of an ancient Royal kennels, According to the historical chronicles, Although it can be also related to the word CANUS meaning white referring to its snow-capped. It has information office in Constitution Plaza, 1 Open Mon-Fri mornings 91 8687511

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.150 m

    Nº people: 501

    91 868 75 11

    Related tourist information

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