• Valle Alto del Lozoya

    Pinilla del Valle

    The municipality of Pinilla includes a narrow strip of land, perpendicular to the Lozoya River and between the natural boundaries that mark the lines of summits. Here are all the geographical components of the Valley with its high peaks, tall and soft slopes reaching up to the plains of the valley floor. The village sits at the top of the reservoir Pinilla. In addition the term water several streams that run down the slope toward the center of the Valley and flow into the Lozoya. In the foothills of the mountains include the huge tracts of forest of Turkey oak and some Oaks. The flat parts are dedicated to pastures with abundant ash trees and poplars. The settlement is completely rural, with the building dispersed or clustered in small groups, rodeados de huertas configurando manzanas irregulares entre las que se entrelazan caminos y espacios comunes.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.095 m

    Nº people: 215

    91 869 30 52

    Related tourist information

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