Coming up the good time we approached in the Sierra Norte de Madrid one of the places more chilly around El Atazar reservoir, the low Valley of the Lozoya River.

    In this area is the most important river of our territory in the Jarama River to begin the long journey that will take water to the Atlantic Ocean.

    In this area it is of great importance the huge El Atazar reservoir and lathe to it was created in the path of the Genaro, a route to walk or bike and it takes several days to complete, but for those who are not so athletes we have adapted it to drive on one day. Here we go !

    Four villages, un embalse pero... much more !

    Our first stop will be Cervera de Buitrago, a small village at the foot of the reservoir which has a nautical interior station from which you can perform multiple activities and non-motorized water sports. You can get there from Lozoyuela and small villages that make up the municipality of old bridges, Mangiron, Cinco Villas, Walls of Buitrago and Serrada de la Fuente.

    Saldremos en dirección al pueblo de El Berrueco y pronto nos podremos parar en una parada imprescindible entorno a la Presa del Villar. From the Casasola picnic area you can see the remains of some buildings on the edge of the canal del Villar and the old bridge and dam. When you arrive at the dam, enjoy the wonderful views from its observation deck.

    In El Berrueco, you can have a nice walk along the streets where you will find the peculiar Museum outdoor stonework, closely linked to the village office. In addition, Let yourself be advised in the tourist office and take advantage of to see the The water Museum It is located in the same building. En él conocerás la historia de los embalses de la zona.

    Leaving El Berrueco towards El Atazar, You'll see the El Berrueco Watchtower or Torrepredrera can upload to contemplate all the territory that was defended from this tower. This Watchtower is located within the path by the castles, fortresses and watchtowers of the community of Madrid, que incluye las atalayas de El Vellón o Torrelaguna y el castillo de Buitrago de Lozoya en la Sierra Norte de Madrid.

    A few kilometres along this road the obligatory stop are the viewpoints overlooking impressive el Atazar dam. With their 128 meters collects the water of the largest reservoir in the community of Madrid and one of the largest in Europe, in order to cater to the community. Once you reach the village of El Atazar enjoy his constructions of slate and you paved them, a sample of how agriculture is worked traditionally in the villages in the area.

    This is the last section of the Lozoya river but not we bid farewell to the fast. Stay to spend another day in the Sierra Norte de Madrid and enjoy of the accommodation and restaurants con encanto serrano.

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