• Celebrated the VII Conference of the sidewalk and La Villa in Villavieja

    It is an event which shows, throughout a day, life, the environment and the people who inhabit a mountain rural municipality.

    Who is organizing this celebration?

    The municipality of Villavieja del Lozoya organizes a series of activities that revolve around three paragraphs considered key: Nature, Culture and anthropology. The purpose is to show, the person who visit us, the municipality and its surroundings. The objective is that the / as tourists visit the Sierra Norte de Madrid. The treatment is to think of the municipality of Villavieja del Lozoya as a town within a geographic framework and not in an isolated manner. We thus join the current that is being generated with respect to the newly created brand Sierra Norte.

    To articulate activities City Hall created exclusively for this day, a point of information. Located in the city centre, It has all the accurate information of all the activities carried out. This includes documentation published upon the 4 signposted paths (with maps, Basic data, profile and a brief historical description), programmes with the activities that are going to develop, a street map of the town, information about the photo contest rules, etc.

    The set of all activities is free and does not charge for people who participate / attend.
    The City Council assumes all the costs of, Organization, development of content/materials, broadcasting, activities and awards.

    What activities on the day?


    – A free tour of any of the four signposted paths: Senda del Lino, Senda de Matambre, Path to the port Linera and path of the return of gully.
    – The realization of a historical path in Group guided tour. Do this tour with a guide of the "El Cuadrón" environmental education center and a local expert. Last year we include a Joellet Chair in order to make accessible the path to people with mobility difficulties.
    Each year the Conference have had some variant in order to go offering different activities.


    – From the point of information, It will provide detailed information about the activities of the day and Villavieja de Lozoya.
    – Throughout the day, in afternoon, You can visit any specific exhibition that we us for the day. Over the years we've had traveling exhibitions, book presentations, etc.
    – In the Exhibition Centre: "Phones home", belonging to the community of Madrid network ITINER, will also be an exhibition/activity.
    – There will also be street theater depicting a significant scene of our traditional theatre.
    – Conducting a photo contest for which had been drafted some rules for participation. Photo contest prize will be a meal for 2 people in the restaurant El Arco. The photographs will subsequently have an own exhibition.


    Every year is an emotional map live. This means that, for two hours, several elderly people, in emotionally key locations, will tell us their experiences in order to be able to evoke / draw an emotional map of the municipality. It is the centerpiece of the Conference. The route runs through the forge, laundry, a big house, the bread oven, a Mudéjar arch, del potro of branding and the cutting of the boar. It will be a different and special occasion, to learn in a unique way the history and traditional context of our municipality. Is provided to those who visit the emotional map documentation in paper so they have a face holder to expand the information and the knowledge of each key point.


    Become to offer significant rural workshops. Two children's workshops in the morning, synchronized with the emotional map and two family workshops in the afternoon. Last year the theme of the afternoon workshops revolved around the Earth and cultivation. The traditional music that closes the day occupies an important part.


    9:30 | Opening of the information point in the Town Hall.

    10:00 – 12:00 | Linen route
    Botanical path accompanied by a specialist of the Cuadrón environmental education centre.

    12:00 – 13:45 | Emotional map
    Residents of the village through his experiences evoke the emotional map of the municipality, on a tour of the forge, laundry, the bread oven, the Colt Horseshoe, the casona and the Moorish arch.

    12:00 – 13:45 | Workshops for children. The plastic is not fantastic

    14:00 – 17:00 | Lunch in the pontoons

    17:00 – 19:00 | Workshops family creation of nest boxes and feeders for birds with SEO Birdlife Sierra Norte Madrid.

    17:00 – 20:00 | Family exhibition workshops and talk on birds of prey with the Alcarreño group of friends of the Raptors.

    19:00 – 20:00 | Theatre
    Who is the Bank? Work of collective of the community theatre of Navalafuente group creation.

    19:00 – 19:30 | Photography contest
    Collection of photos at City Hall. Award of a dinner for two at the Hospedería El Arco.

    20:00 – 22:00 | Concerts
    Divertimento Folk and ancient land closed the day in the main square.

    Exhibition photographic celebration of the Heifer
    10:00 – 14:00 / 17:00 – 19:30 Exhibition Hall House phones.

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