• Corpus Christi en Torrelaguna

    Guided by Torrelaguna using the ornamentation of the Corpus Christi

    What does this celebration?

    Since the year 2010, neighbors, Torrelaguna brotherhoods and associations produced carpets and floral altars for the procession of Corpus Christi.

    After several months work, begin preparations in the streets at dawn, so everything is ready for the mass of the 12 hours and the subsequent procession.

    With this floral ornamentation, Torrelaguna seeks to recover the great importance that the feast of Corpus Christi has had historical way in the Villa.

    Do activity proposed from the tourist office in the village?

    We propose the realization of one free guided tour by Torrelaguna to discover its rich artistic heritage and know the places where floral carpets are placed. A single visit to this beautiful Villa.

    The activity is for a maximum group of 10 Pax, since given the special characteristics of the party, a large group cannot be made because the streets are practically covered by floral carpets that can not step on.

    Do you want to be one of those 10 people?
    Not think it more, reserve in the 918431403 or in turismotorrelaguna@gmail.com and this unique experience.

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