• Montejo de la Sierra

    Restaurant Monte do Tejo

    Restaurant located in the Calle Pozo, in the town of Montejo de la Sierra, Madrid. Located in a beautiful area, surrounded by nature in the mountains of Madrid. The restaurant is located in the Hotel Monte do Tejo, small hotel but with charm and very welcoming.

    In his letter, we can find all kinds of dishes, but above all of Spanish cuisine. All their dishes are elaborated with the best products of the area, Always fresh. Dishes of traditional recipes.

    No doubt the restaurant Monte do Tejo, It is the ideal place to have a quiet lunch or evening in the company of family or friends, and enjoy nature and your food 100% Home. This restaurant offers an extensive menu at a price suitable for all budgets.

    Kitchen hours:

    Of 13:00h to 16:00h

    Of 20:30h to 22:30h


    · Fireplace in the restaurant

    · Municipal swimming pool to 5 minutes of the restaurant

    · Breakfasts are served, lunch and dinner

    · Meeting room for companies (on request)

    · Summer terrace

    · No pets are allowed in the restaurant

    Contact information

    Calle Pozo, 23-25, 28190 Montejo de la Sierra, Madrid

    91 869 74 45 /616 68 83 55

    Squares: 40 squares

    Precio medio: 30€ per person

    Related tourist information

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