• Biosphere reserve. GR - 303

    Total distance: 57003 m
    Max elevation: 1690 m
    Min elevation: 1059 m
    Total climbing: 2323 m
    Total descent: -2323 m



    Distance: 55,3km

    Time: 17h 50 min

    Positive slope: 1933 m

    Difficulty: 3 / 5

    GPX track [Descargar]


    Point of departure: In any of the five villages of the reserve of the biosphere of the Sierra of el Rincón.

    The Sierra del Rincón, located between the massifs of Ayllon and Somosierra, mark its border with the provinces of Segovia and Guadalajara. Possibly the countryside more true and unknown in the community of Madrid, has five municipalities, La Hiruela, Horcajuelo de la Sierra, Montejo de la Sierra, Pradena del Rincon and La Puebla de la Sierra.

    The GR303 that runs entirely within the boundaries of the reserve of the biosphere of the Sierra of el Rincón, It allows the hiker explore and enjoy the five municipalities of the reserve of the biosphere, contemplate your very high biodiversity and lean from balconies privileged landscapes of dream. Us is also a plain ethnographic content and experience traditions and customs associated with the rural activity such as gullies, the flocks or the rural architecture of its villages.

    The route that we propose is ideal to do it by stages, staying in any of the peoples of the Sierra del Rincón and to experience the tranquility and the traditional life that develops in them.

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