• Montejo de la Sierra and Horcajuelo

    Sierra del Rincón

    What to see

    During the first part of the trail we can see several samples of mines and mining infrastructure, among them is San Francisco.

    The views throughout the tour, above all which we have from the Mosquito Hill from where they dominate some of the higher elevations of the Sierra de Ayllón.

    The head of the Valley which forms the Brook of groupers.

    The birth and head of the Valley of Jarama, the part the Jarama Valley high a wilderness that descend between pine forests, and highest of hayedo de Montejo part from where we can see.

    Dehesa de Montejo de la Sierra Oaks.

    The rural architecture of Montejo and Horcajuelo.


    Length: 32,6 km. (10,5 km. IDA)
    Difficulty: Black (very difficult). By the difference in height that saves and why it is not signposted. It is not a technical route (forest tracks in good condition).
    Home / The end: Horcajuelo de la Sierra.
    Height Max: 1.837 MTS.
    Height Min: 1.105 MTS.
    Accumulated in ascent slope: 874 MTS.
    Accumulated in downhill slope: 874 MTS.
    Type of surface: Track.
    Signaling: It is not signposted.
    Recommendations: Due to the height which reaches, during the winter months there are areas in which there may be snow or ice.

    Tour route
    Profile of the route
    Related tourist information

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