• By the Dehesa Boyal

    Total distance: 5459 m
    Max elevation: 1267 m
    Min elevation: 1128 m
    Total climbing: 194 m
    Total descent: -202 m


    Distance: 5,4 km

    Time: 1h 45 min

    Positive slope: 188m

    Difficulty: 2 / 5

    GPX track [Descargar]


    Point of departure: Montejo de la Sierra. Fountain Square.

    This beautiful route runs through the dehesa boyal Montejo, which continues to provide rich pastures for livestock and firewood to heat the homes of neighbors. Starting from the 25 April cattle in the meadow is kept to prevent this damage to crops or hay meadows. The dehesa is formed by a forest of Pyrenean oak, that keeps large fish, and ash, In addition to the four batteries of irrigation (artificial lagoons) you are water gully.

    Peña Balagares will find shale rocks altered and among Muscovites bright we can see abundant large garnets. In a more clear area, sprinkled with ash, We can see a chozo as which shepherds used formerly, circular construction with "indoor living" root balls of grassland and flagstone that provides greater resistance and impermeability.

    Between the old Oaks, the ash and the grassland is not uncommon to see several species of birds like the Woodpecker whistles, Myths, chickadees, Blue climbers or agate in addition to wild boars or foxes among other animals. The route leaves us beautiful panoramic of Montejo and the Valle del Lozoya.

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