• Mount of the yew

    Montejo de la Sierra

    Hotel Rural Monte of the Tejo

    The place you were looking for…… A charming Hotel in the heart of the Sierra de Madrid… 8 Dream Rooms

    We are in Montejo de la Sierra, In full reserve of the biosphere of the Sierra del Rincón, In a unique natural and cultural environment…..
    This excellent rural hotel is located with the category of two oak leaves that has 8 Very careful double rooms in terms of their decoration in which no detail is missing.
    The hotel has a great restaurant, Where you can taste the excellence of a traditional cuisine of the Sierra.


    • Barbecue
    • Fireplace
    • Infant crib
    • Municipal Swimming Pool
    • Restaurante
    • Meeting room for companies
    • Reading room
    • Summer terrace
    • WiFi
    • Tourist information Service of the destination Sierra Norte.
    • No Pets Allowed
    Contact information

    C/del Pozo, 23 – 25. 28190 Montejo de la Sierra (Madrid)

    91 869 74 45/ 616 688 355

    Squares: 16 people

    Related tourist information

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