• Rascafría

    Rural Hotel Caserón de Trastamara

    In the oldest part and the town of Rascafría noble, in the high Valley of the Lozoya, an old barn of the noble family of the Trastamara is located.

    On a building protected by the General address of heritage of the community of Madrid and today as a hospedería rural. Near the parish church of St. Bartholomew, This rural hostel offers eight double rooms and one single.

    All have a bathroom and a spacious living room with fireplace for common use of guests, decorated in the purest mountain style. It has a large private outdoor garden. Possibility to multi-adventure activities.


    • Restaurante
    • Common room
    • TV
    • Summer terrace
    Contact information

    Pza. of Trastámara, 11. 28740 Rascafría (Madrid)

    91 869 10 25 / 620 23 32 66

    Squares: 17 squares in 9 rooms

    Related tourist information

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