• Aldealengua de Pedraza

    ski Navafría

    Navafría mountain and Nordic Ski Center is a unique place, located in the pinar de Navafria, in the National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama, where can you practice, Learn and enjoy Nordic activities: cross-country skiing, Snowshoes, Nordic Walking and rollerski, together with a team of professionals who work, they live and feel the cross-country skiing.

    With a ski domain of 33 km of slopes, It is the reference of the cross-country skiing of the Central System. Along with the start of tracks have a shelter with rental of skis and snowshoes, tracks rescue service, room picnic, costumes, bathroom, first aid kit and first aid.

    Ski school Nordic Guadarrama. The "Nordic Guadarrama" Nordic ski school performs all courses and skiing activities, belonging to the Spanish Association of teachers and schools in winter sports (AEPEDI), formed by teachers as sports technicians of Fund esquí, as required by law, What guarantees all our students the professional teaching of accredited quality and with an updated methodology.

    As a new, they introduce the skiing family.

    Contact information

    Of navafria, Crtra. SG-612, km. 11, 40162 Aldealengua de Pedraza (Segovia)

    629 339 369 / 687 375 430

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