• Rascafría

    Lagoon of the birds of Peñalara

    This route through the heart of the National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama, We offer some of the most authentic places and the best geomorphological samples of glacial action in the community of Madrid.

    The route starts from the car park of puerto de Cotos. We are heading towards the national park information booth and continue Northeast along a wide path, you go into a forest of Scots pine that leads us to the source Cubeiro.

    Then, We have the "Mirador de la Gitana", from which we can see a splendid view of the "long string". After the lookout, We arrived at a building in which we can see information panels about the National Park. At this point, start by hand right path called RP3 and RP4, that will continue until you see us with the fork of these.

    Once arrived to this fork, We crossed the arroyo of Peñalara by a wooden bridge, after which we continue along a path that ascends between rocks, brooms and small wild pine trees twisted by the weather and the rigors of the climate at these altitudes.

    As we move forward we are alternating different lagoons and pools shaped by the action of glaciers of circus, as the set of five lakes or the Lake of carnations under the cliff of the same name. The vegetation at this stage is limited to the piorno and alpine meadows, very sensitive to erosion so it is very important to not leave the trails.

    After the Lake of carnations we climb gently up to the lagoon of the birds.

    Saved by the Risco de los Pajaros and buttresses that fall from the Massif, It reflected in its waters, the lagoon is shown hanging as a natural balcony with the grandeur of the Valley of the Lozoya as a backdrop.

    Mide Laguna de los Pájaros

    Point of departure: In the parking lot of the port of Cotos or Puerto del paular.

    Tour route
    Ruta Laguna de los Pájaros
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Laguna de los Pájaros
    Related tourist information

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