• Rascafría

    The island restaurant

    The restaurant La Isla is located in a privileged setting on the banks of the Río Lozoya in the National Park of the Sierra de Guadarrama, in an area known as “THE ISLAND” where can you enjoy in the kitchen of the saw and homemade meats, in winter the fireplace in their indoor dining room and in summer on the private terrace in the shade of the pine forest where you can see the grandeur of the Park. Through its direct contact with nature is an ideal place for families, unwind and enjoy a magnificent natural environment.

    Summer terrace and Parking



    • Barbecue
    • Fireplace
    Contact information

    CTRA. Rascafría – PTO. Preserves Km 31,800. 28740 Rascafría (Madrid)

    639 33 77 47 / 680 46 13 28 / 91 869 10 68

    Squares: 40 squares

    Average price: 25€

    Related tourist information

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