• Rascafría

    Hotel Rural Casa Granero

    In Rascafría, in the high Valley of the Lozoya and very close to the Valle del paular, House barn is located, a cosy Rural Hotel with the specific category of Rural Hotel 1 Oak Leaf established by the Directorate General of Tourism of the community of Madrid. In total 8 Cozy Rooms, In a restored and rehabilitated building following the guidelines of traditional architecture. Each accommodation has a capacity to 2 to 4 people. All are equipped with bedroom with full bathroom, Living room with fireplace, Kitchen with complete equipment including microwave oven and refrigerator. Casa Granero also stands out for its painstaking and carefully decorated, That will make your stay enjoyable in a warm and endearing environment. We have to highlight “Barn House” The possibility that it gives companies to hold work meetings, It has a great meeting room with Internet access.

    Contact information

    C/ Artiñuelo, 4. 28740 Rascafría (Madrid)

    606 362 561

    Squares: 16 squares in 8 rooms

    Related tourist information

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