• Rascafría

    Restaurant sale Marcelino

    Our cuisine is traditional and Castilian, We use fresh food in the area. Among our first the beans from La Granja, the garlic soup and cocido madrileño. Our meat, we highlight the t-bone steak and roast suckling lamb. We also fish River, Trout marinated or Navarra. To finish, our homemade desserts: flan, rice pudding, custard or fried milk, facts as always.

    Open every day from 1924.

    Schedule: MON-FRI 9.30 - 18.00, ONLINE 09.00 - 19.00


    Terrace all year.

    Accessible lower floor.

    Catering and corporate events are carried out.

    Contact information

    Puerto de Cotos. 28740 Rascafría (Madrid)

    91 852 19 24

    Squares: 90 in classrooms and 96 on terrace

    Precio medio: 15€ person

    Related tourist information

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