• Have you tried the paddle surf?

    As the Sierra Norte becomes a Paddle Surf Area of the community of Madrid thanks to Meridian Raid. This discipline which has its origin in the Polynesian peoples has spread around the world and now comes to our saw for your fun and exercise that entails, which muscles are worked both of the CORE and arms like balance and posture of the body without even realizing.

    This method has as a difference to the more traditional surf being right at the table and to lead us with an oar, and this can be in different environments such as the wonderful reservoirs of Pinilla in Lozoya and the reservoir of el Atazar in el Berrueco in the What Meridian Raid It gives us the opportunity to explore a place surrounded by the exuberant nature of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park and the largest of the community of Madrid in a completely different way reservoir.

    Do you know where it began Paddle surfing and what it was used?

    And is that since its invention in the beaches of Waikiki, the surf paddle used to have a better view of the environment, Since the surfing teachers used it to control their students and be able to spot the waves that are coming. These features make it a sport that is fascinating to investigate and discover places since they allow the user to enjoy the natural environment in which are.

    But it is the first time you're going to make paddle surf? Then nothing happens because Meridian Raid It offers you the best professionals the paddle surf to teach you the basics of this discipline to be able to manage in this grand sport.

    In addition Meridian Raid offers other forms of Paddle surfing as you can be Queen Sup that used a table XXL in which fit between 6 and 10 people and which is ideal for groups of friends who want to spend a fun morning in a natural environment accompanied by a guide or for companies that want to promote the coordination and skill among their workers.

    Note that this company is led by Antonio de la Rosa, Ambassador of tourism asset of the community of Madrid and an expert of this discipline, which among other things was the first person to turn to the Iberian peninsula in 141 days doing paddle surf and sail through the Lozoya and Tagus from the Sierra Norte Madrid to Lisbon only with his table and his oar in 19 days.

    Then that these waiting to come to the Sierra Norte to practice one of the most popular sports in recent years by the hand of? Meridian Raid?

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