• Hiking and biking in Bustarviejo

    For more than one year Bustarviejo has a network of local roads that form part of Carpetania, the network of paths of the Sierra Norte de Madrid. These signposted paths allow us to obtain a global picture of the nature, the history and the Ethnography and customs of this beautiful mountain village nestled on the slopes of the Mondalindo.

    The Local Bustarviejo network consists of six signposted itineraries, that you have different themes, you go from patrimoniales-historicas as the path of the task, other natural and ethnographic resources are its main assets, as the beautiful valley or orchards. But if you love climbing mountains, to enjoy an impressive panoramic view, You can not miss the ascent to the Mondalindo for the silver mine. For the lovers of mountain bike network has a route designed for them; the return to the banner.

    Discover each of our routes

    But let's go one by one; We will begin traveling the route of the task, Here the landscape is composed of a berrocal, where large blocks of granite adopt shapes and are accompanied by some shrubs and trees such as ash, Oaks that are dotting the landscape. The route leads us to criminal task force which is situated in the old meadow, and in which political prisoners of the dictatorship of General Franco were held to build, using forced, the line of direct railway Madrid - Burgos.

    Another route, closely tied to the land and uses that for Highlanders for generations have made it, It is the route called between pools and gardens. Along the way we pass through small orchards that watered through homemade and pools are a true example of sustainability of natural resources. The Oaks, Blackthorn, Nogales, cacti and plum trees that thrive on the edge built a mosaic of light and shade that helps increase the biodiversity of the place.

    Peak Mondalindo presides over the town of Bustarviejo majestic, and gives a changing landscape, Depending on the time of year, the Perfil de Bustarviejo. For this reason, If you like mountain and the spectacular panoramic you should not go the route of Mondalindo by Silver Mine. On the climb towards the open Hill which gives way to a spectacular but gentle Ridge to more than 1500 m, We find the Tower of silver mine, an impressive round tower, witness of the mining past of these mountains. The unevenness is physically demanding and the beauty of the Summit is the effort.

    Few place names do so much honor to its name as of this Valley: the Valle Hermoso. At any time of the year the route of the narrow streets of Valle Hermoso gives us memorable moments. The route runs through a meadow of Oaks, dotted with pastures, ferns, adorned with cut, mountain streams and dry stone walls. Circular route of gentle slope that begins at the stone bridge of the recently restored mine and that will make us travel through time, awakening the senses. An extension of this route to traverse also MTB is the path Bustarviejo - Valle Hermoso Callejas.

    Return to the banner route, route to enjoy mountain bike (MTB) or walk, If we are in good physical shape. It is the longest of the proposed routes (19,6 km). But it is also that will allow us to enjoy the greatest diversity of ecosystems and landscapes along its route.

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    In addition to these routes integrated in Carpetania, There is an Botanical path that it is practicable in some sections for people with reduced mobility. Part of the shrine of San Isidro and ends in a park's interpretation of the Cañada Real Segovia. It can be known plant species and landscapes typical of the terrain.

    Everything to make the routes can be found and downloaded here

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