• We continue along the Sierra norte de Madrid drive.

    Today our stop will be the Sierra de La Cabrera, a granitic serrezuela of great morphological interest, because it offers a wide variety of peculiar formations of this rock.

    Your profile can be distinguished from miles away, It is one of the most peculiar of the community of Madrid.

    The Sierra de la Cabrera is considered to be a monte-isla, It is separated from its main alignment which is the long rope and their tops most noteworthy are Cancho Gordo y Pico de la Miel, that attracts all week to lots of hiking and climbing enthusiasts weekends.

    From its streets, it is easy to see the flight of the many vultures who inhabit the vertiginous cliffs that hang down from its sharp slopes. Traditional livestock and where the countryside is still the essence of the past, We can even contemplate its rangelands, meadows, cattle trails, etc. Streets we can see different examples of work of quarrying, deeply rooted in the area, due to the abundance of granite, and travel back in time by visiting the remains of the Visigothic castro of the Hill of the head or the tomb of the Moor.

    Start that we began !

    We start the route in the municipality of La Cabrera, where the Convento de San Antonio. Its origins lie in the s. XI and has lived a great story, being abandoned because of the disentailment of Mendizábal. It passed from hand to hand and even to be owned by a descendant of Francisco de Goya. Currently the Idente missionaries who inhabit it are guided visits to the set. In addition to the concerts that made, visits is at the only time that open it to the public, so aim well their schedules to visit.

    We will continue the journey by car until Bustarviejo. This town boasts of important springs which have been used historically for agricultural use, breeder or pet by what can highlight the presence of numerous fountains and water mills that are distributed by all the municipal area. In terms of its historical-artistic heritage stands the parish church of the Immaculate Conception (15th century), the chapel of the Cristo de la Peña, the Ermita de la Soledad, the Town Hall, Plaza Mayor, del Potro's branding or the Via Crucis. In this town you can visit Franco's criminal task force whose visit carried out from the Association for the historical memory the barracks.

    Finally, We finish the route in Venturada. There is the belief that this town could have originated at Muslim time since this time date from the necropolis and the Watchtower that is part of the route for castles, Fortresses and watchtowers of the community of Madrid and has been declared of Cultural interest. Ending our route, We will go to the Church of Santiago Apóstol, featuring a way architecture between the Romanesque and the Gothic.

    Anyone who comes close to the Sierra de La Cabrera will see in the municipality of Cabanillas saw the first Osborne bull that was located in Spain.

    There is no doubt that the Sierra de La Cabrera is an ideal place to disconnect from the transfer of day-to-day. Meet the restaurants and accommodation of the area and make your visit a stay of several days to the Sierra Norte de Madrid

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