• Sierra del Rincón

    Horcajuelo de la Sierra

    Horcajuelo de la Sierra is located in the so-called Sierra del Rincón currently listed by Unesco as a biosphere reserve, in relation to its multiple natural and cultural values. It is located in the southern foothills of the Ayllón massif. Their physical environment is rough and it is dominated by pine and oak, interspersed with large areas of scrub, in the vicinity you can see meadows and terraced cultivation. The village sits at the pointed edge of a hill whose skirts to run two of the streams of the term. Not have developed second home developments, the village has preserved its environmental quality and traditional architectural characteristics. In 1980 It was declared “focus of rural interest” and new buildings have respected the typologies and autochthonous materials. Currently this has marked its tourism development.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.145 m

    Nº people: 102

    91 869 70 22

    Related tourist information

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