• Horcajuelo de la Sierra

    Apartamentos Turísticos Bulín de Horcajuelo

    ALOJAMIENTOS: Horcajuelo de la Sierra is one of those mountain municipalities where time seems to have stopped. Located in the heart of Sierra del Rincón, with a traditional architecture perfectly careful and in a rural environment with a lot of charm. The Bulin de Horcajuelo in Horcajuelo are rural houses type duplex.

    Some of them have panoramic terrace. The accommodations are equipped with heating, fireplace, full kitchen equipment, bedding and bath, television, restaurant, Spa, etc.


    • Fireplace
    • Restaurante
    • TV
    • Summer terrace
    Contact information

    C / white, 36. 28191 Horcajuelo de la Sierra (Madrid)

    622 23 23 28

    Squares: 43 squares

    Related tourist information

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