• CULTURE AND ETHNOGRAPHY. Plans in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Beekeeper for a day in Braojos de la Sierra

    First know the functioning of the hive through an informative talk about life and the social bees organization and work of the beekeeper: surveillance of the normal development of the hive, placement of wax and tensioning wire in pictures, extraction of honey in the honeycomb and manual centrifuge, etc.

    Then we will give a ride to the Apiary (accompanied with description of the flora of the place according to the doubts and questions of visitors) to put into practice the knowledge acquired.

    Finally we will have a workshop of the honey extraction so that you can get a complete experience.

    20adult €
    10€ 6 to 14 years
    Not recommended for minors of 6 years

    Meeting point: House of the culture of Braojos de la Sierra.

    Dates: 16 February, 2, 9 and 23 March, 6 and 27 April, 18 may, 1, 15, 22 and 29 June and 14 and 28 September

    Duration: 2-3 hours

    It includes: Informative workshop, extraction workshop, ride (We have transport for people with reduced mobility to the Apiary), guided visit to the Apiary and protective clothing to ensure a safe visit.

    Do not forget to: Bring comfortable clothes and socks, sports shoes (preferably boots), Sun cream, CAP and water.

    Other: Keep in mind that you can not access to the Apiary if you're allergic to bee stings. Bring your open mind to know the world of bees through the senses... hear the impressive hum of a hive, distinguish the bees that make it up: Queen, obrera, zángano.

    It organizes / Contact

    Center for innovation tourist Villa San Roque, La Cabrera, in collaboration with honey El Bardal de Braojos

    91 277 81 01

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