• Sierra del Rincón

    La Hiruela

    The municipality of La Hiruela is located on the northeast edge of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, and within the reserve of the biosphere of the biosphere of the Sierra del Rincón. The municipality is located between hills and rugged terrain of the East side of the Sierra de Somosierra, in the basin of the river Jarama. It has numerous examples of vegetation like a meadow of oak trees, copses of birch with Holly and yew,…In the surroundings of the village we can see meadows and traditional orchards with abundant fruit trees. It is one of the best preserved villages of the Sierra Norte with an urban plot of great simplicity, formed by stone houses grouped in compact blocks that make their way to the small streets and gardens, meadows and fields.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.257 m

    Nº people: 55

    91 869 73 28

    Related tourist information

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