• Hotel Rural La Casona de La Dehesa

    El Berrueco

    Hotel Rural La Casona de La Dehesa

    In the Berrueco is located a Rural Hotel with a lot of charm, La Casona de la Dehesa has the category of 1 Oak Leaf. Located right in front of the Dehesa de El Berrueco, it becomes the ideal place to enjoy a stay in full contact with nature and the rural environment.

    It also offers two suites with Jacuzzi and has restaurant service. It has the specific category of Rural Hotel 1 Oak Leaf.

    Contact information

    Generálisimo Avenue, 22. 28192 El Berrueco (Madrid)

    91 868 62 19/ 606 541 970

    Squares: 12 squares in 6 rooms

    Related tourist information

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