• Garganta de los Montes - the Cuadrón

    Hostel La Casona del Valle

    Located just 80 Km from Madrid “La Casona del Valle” It is the ideal accommodation to enjoy a trip to the sierra

    Our sports area offers different modalities as, Futsal, Basketball, handball, Tennis, even paddle tennis and Fronton.
    For your summer enjoyment of young and old, nothing better than the pool of the complex perfectly bounded and is located within a natural environment.

    It features a complementary area of accommodation in log cabins. It is of 4 Hostels in 16 squares each with full bathrooms on the same lot offering a stay in direct contact with nature.

    If anything stands out especially in the building, It is its broad central hall presided over by a unique fireplace. Used as a multipurpose room, It has a capacity to accommodate some 150 Diners. With direct access and the possibility to create two environments, We have a panoramic terrace glazed with spectacular views over the mountains of Madrid.
    For accommodation we have of 112 squares in multiple rooms of 4, 6, 8 and 10 squares, all of them with bathroom and distributed on two floors. This distribution and its spacious allows us to accommodate different groups with the privacy necessary for the development of its activities. To highlight the absence of architectural barriers in the building and the availability of accessible rooms to be able to accommodate users of accessible tourism.

    Contact information

    Passage from el Cañuelo s/n, 28743 Garganta de los Montes (Madrid)

    607 562 929

    112 squares in multiple rooms

    80 squares in wooden cabins

    Related tourist information

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